Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day "Nana": Something I Dislike


What are Fillers?

Fillers are episodes that are created to intentionally frustrate and aggravate viewers, causing them to experience urges such as the following:

  1. Smacking the nearest person
  2. Possibly eating their first born 
  3. Depression
  4. Severe Anxiety
  5. Consistent use of obscene language
  6. Drink Alcohol (Most likely comes after experiencing #3)
  7. And the worst of them all, causing a longtime viewer to say these words...

                                 "I'M NEVER WATCHING THAT ANIME AGAIN"
                                                (insert obscene words wherever necessary)
So if you've seen somebody showing signs of any of the above symptons, it's highly possible that person has just watched a filler.

Though all the above may be true, to some fillers are episodes that contributes nothing to the main plot of the storyline. They are episodes that are intended to prevent the anime from getting ahead of the manga. They may appear at any given time during an anime; right before the beginning of a new arc, could be right smack in the middle of the plot, there are even times where they can be inserted before or even during an epic fight scene. The latter is the most frustrating to me and causes me to do any of the above.

Okay, so let me ask this.....

Are fillers really that bad?

Are they even necessary?


Fillers are not always bad. Yes, they do seem like a waste of time for they just drag out the anime but they have their pros. Some allow you to learn different characteristics of the main characters, allowing the viewer to have an even closer bond or develop new opinions about the these characters they thought they knew oh so well. At times they are good diversions from the actual plot,  it keeps our minds active, constantly wondering whats going to happen next after these fillers are over. Its when these episodes become too consistent problems begin to arise. Some could actually be entertaining if they are well thought out....

As much as I don't like fillers I do think they are most appropriate at the end and beginning of a new arc. It gives me time to digest and analyze everything I've been watching, while also allowing me to prepare for the upcoming storyline. Having a filler during an anxiously awaited fight scn is what causes people to get shot, lol. But seriously fillers do serve a purpose and if we as viewers are getting this worked up b/c we can't wait for the climax of the just means the writer must be doing a damn good job keeping us on our toes, craving more and more for the next enticing scenes.....

Though, I comprehend the good and bad of fillers, does that mean I like them?

Um,....HELL NO

I can't stand them 
I know and accept that they are here to stay...

Damn that makes me feel nauseous

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Huh?! What did you say??